Hegemony, Sin, the True self, and Some Training

Sometimes when I run a word pops into my head. I end up thinking about that word the entire run; sometimes the entire week. I just keep churning it around in my mind. I’ll use it in a sentence. Play with its cognates. Hear myself saying (in my head; I don’t actually say it outContinue reading “Hegemony, Sin, the True self, and Some Training”

Lent Day Four

Psalm 32 “Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” I find it interesting that both ‘transgression’ and ‘sin’ are in the singular. It’s not my sins or my transgressions, but by sin and my transgression—singular. Certainly I have sinned more than once; I have transgressed far more than one time. SurelyContinue reading “Lent Day Four”